Chapter 7: Battle in the Skies
Chapter Digital Material
All digital media and chapter content Copyright © 2021 by Anthony Tang
In this the final mission of the series!
This mission is mainly a lot of action without a lot of dialog and story. The final mission is really about fighting and defeating the final boss.
If the adventurers ever need help, have the storekeeper fly by on a puffy cloud.
Miss Robo is going to take us to the source of all these evil robots dropping from the sky. There is fear, but being on top of a giant robot that we just met helps us feel more comfortable, right?
Once we get up to the spaceship dropping all these evil robots, we're going to bring the spaceship down! How will we get down safely ourselves? Ehhhh, that's a question to answer once we get up there!
In the Sky!
When you arrive in this map, Miss Robo is flying you up to meet the ship that is dropping all these robots. Once the adventurers have defeated all these robots, move to the next map, which is the same map, but with a view of the ship in the corner.
(In the voice of Miss Robo) "It's dropping robots on me! Get them! I will fly higher so that you can drop on the ship!"
In the Sky!
(In the voice of Miss Robo) "There is the ship! Jump off!"
Miss Robo flies you towards the ship and blows off some giant puffy clouds to buff your fall. You made it safely!
Heart of the Ship
What is this thing!? This moving orb is protected by a few glowing shields. You try hit the shield only to hurt yourself in the process. Loos 1 health!
In this area, the adventurers can go up, down, or right.
Load the correct map when the adventurers move there. After the adventurers defeat an area, pan quickly back to this main area and remove a shield.
After the adventurers have defeated the up, down, and right sections, they can fight the main and final boss.
Once they have defeated the final boss, read below.
The spinning orb was not only the protector of the ship, but also the captain and the energy source!
Without it, the ship starts falling and falling fast! Then, all of a sudden, it explodes and sends you, your friends, and your squishies into the air!
Falling Down!
In this cutscene, separate the baby squish from the adventurers. Have the baby squish then send out a bunch of puffy clouds to help the adventurers.
The adventurers land safely, but what about the baby squish?
(In the voice of baby squish) "Thank you for helping us! Now, it is our turn to help you! Squish puffy power!"
(A bunch of puffy clouds come out and help the adventurers)
Soft Landing
In this cutscene, the baby squish bounce and land on the floor. They have survived!